What You Need to Do Before Traveling to Indonesia or Bali

Bali visa or Indonesia visa is the most important document that you need to take care of. Before planning to spend your holiday in Bali, there are several things that you need to prepare related to visa and any other document. So, you need to aware of the Indonesia visa requirements in order to make your traveling be more comfortable. Besides Bali visa, what are they then?
- Firstly make sure your passport has at least 6 months, valid from your arrival to Indonesia.
- The next one is your visit purpose. Your Indonesia visa or Bali visa has several kinds based on the visit purpose. The Indonesia visa that you’ll get will be based on your demanding, whether it is tourist, social or working visa.
- Make sure you have a round-trip ticket
- The last but not the least is the length of stay, in order for you to arrange what visa that you’ll take.
- Indonesia has some regulations related to visa. Then you need to know what kind of Indonesia visa or Bali visa that you need to get based on your need. Then, let’s take a look at the information below
Lists Countries that Applied for the Visa Exemption

Indonesia allows 169 countries to come here without getting a visa before visiting this country (visa on arrival Indonesia), or we can say it as visa exemption. Indonesia visa free only valid for 30 days staying and you’re unable to extend it. Moreover, your arrival day, as well as your departure day, are included in the 30 days time duration. The mechanism will be; even though you get to touch down at the airport 5 minutes before midnight, of your departure flight is 5 minutes after midnight, that 5 minutes will be considered as a full day visa. There are 169 countries that get this policy, which are;
Albania | Ecuador | Malawi | Seychelles |
Algeria | Egypt | Malaysia | Singapore |
Andorra | El Salvador | Maldives | Slovakia |
Angola | England | Mali | Slovenia |
Antigua and Barbuda | Estonia | Malta | Solomon Island |
Argentina | Fiji | Marshall Islands | South Africa |
Armenia | Finland | Mauritania | South Korea |
Australia | France | Mauritius | Spain |
Austria | Gabon | Mexico | Sri Lanka |
Azerbaijan | Gambia | Moldova | St Kitts and Nevis |
Bahamas | Georgia | Monaco | St Lucia |
Bahrain | Germany | Mongolia | St Vincent and Grenadines |
Bangladesh | Ghana | Morocco | Suriname |
Barbados | Greece | Mozambique | Swaziland |
Belarus | Grenada | Myanmar | Sweden |
Belgium | Guatemala | Namibia | Switzerland |
Belize | Guyana | Nauru | Taiwan |
Benin | Haiti | Nepal | Tajikistan |
Bhutan | Honduras | Netherlands | Tanzania |
Bolivia | Hong Kong SAR | New Zealand | Thailand |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Hungary | Nicaragua | Timor-Leste |
Botswana | Iceland | Norway | Togo |
Brazil | India | Oman | Tonga |
Brunei | Ireland | Palau | Trinidad & Tobago |
Bulgaria | Italy | Palestine | Tunisia |
Burkina Faso | Jamaica | Panama | Turkey |
Burundi | Japan | Papua New Guinea | Turkmenistan |
Cambodia | Jordan | Paraguay | Tuvalu |
Canada | Kazakhstan | Peru | Uganda |
Cape Verde | Kenya | Philippines | Ukraine |
Chad | Kiribati | Poland | United Arab Emirates |
Chile | Kuwait | Portugal | Uruguay |
China | Kyrgyzstan | Puerto Rico | USA |
Commonwealth of Dominica | Laos | Qatar | Uzbekistan |
Comoros | Latvia | Romania | Vanuatu |
Costa Rica | Lebanon | Russia | Vatican City |
Cote D’Ivoire | Lesotho | Rwanda | Venezuela |
Croatia | Liechtenstein | Samoa | Vietnam |
Cuba | Lithuania | San Marino | Zambia |
Cyprus | Luxembourg | Sao Tome and Principe | Zimbabwe |
Czech Republic | Macau SAR | Saudi Arabia | |
Denmark | Macedonia | Senegal | |
Dominican Republic | Madagascar | Serbia |
List Countries that Apply for Visa on Arrival or VOA

How if you want to extend your visit in Bali? You can get the visa extension Bali at the airport. This kind of Bali visa on arrival only implies for 67 countries. They are;
Algeria | Egypt | Lithuania | Saudi Arabia |
Andorra | England | Luxembourg | Seychelles |
Argentina | Estonia | Maldives | Slovakia |
Armenia | Fiji | Malta | Slovenia |
Australia | Finland | Mexico | South Africa |
Austria | France | Monaco | South Korea |
Bahrain | Germany | Netherlands | Spain |
Belarus | Greece | New Zealand | Suriname |
Belgium | Hungary | Norway | Sweden |
Brazil | Iceland | Oman | Switzerland |
Bulgaria | India | Panama | Taiwan |
Canada | Ireland | Papua New Guinea | Timor-Leste |
China | Italy | Poland | Tunisia |
Croatia | Japan | Portugal | Turkey |
Cyprus | Kuwait | Qatar | United Arab Emirates |
Czech Republic | Latvia | Romania | USA |
Denmark | Liechtenstein | Russia |
If you’re a citizen from one of those countries, then congratulation! You can extend your stay up to 30 days (60 days total). To get your day extension, you need to pay for $35 and do some immigration procedures. One more important thing that you need to aware of is both Visa exemption and VOA are single entry visa. This regulation means that every tourist unable to leave Indonesia then come back again. Once you leave, your visa will be invalid and you need to renew your visa.
If your country is out from Visa Exemption countries or VOA countries, then you need to make Visa ABROAD. Moreover, you need to get an assistant in Indonesia Consulate or Embassy outside Indonesia if you want to make a visit. Or, you need to get a sponsor from Indonesian citizens. The lists of countries below usually get some difficulties to make a visa;
Pakistan | Niger |
Iran | Nigeria |
Israel | Somalia |
North Korea | Afghanistan |
Cameroon | Guinea |
Liberia |
Overstay Regulation in Indonesia

Indonesia tourist visa (visa exemption and VOA) valid for 30 days until maximum 60 days. Moreover, just as mentioned before, your arrival and departure will be counted as two days and include in those 30 days duration. So, better for you to arrange your traveling schedule, from the date of arrival and departure, then the length of your stay. Moreover, how if you get an overstay? As a result, you’ll get a penalty for sure. Then you have to pay for $25 each day of your overstay.
Furthermore, maximum days that considered as “common” overstay is 3 days. Overseas tourists commonly get this issue since they’re wrongly multiplying the days. The visa is valid for 30 days, not a month. Therefore, please be aware of months that have 31 days. Then how if you get sick then need to hospitalize for a week or more? Henceforth, you’ll just need to pay for the penalty without getting any problem with the immigration. Just remember to bring necessary documents like hospital report. Sometimes the airline will cancel the flight due to natural disasters like an earthquake or volcano eruption, the government will not charge for the overstaying. However, once again you need to get and bring the necessary documentation, that shows about flight cancelation reason due to the natural disaster.
Others Visa Options that Apply in Indonesia

Besides those two visas above, you can get other Bali visa or Indonesia visa based on your visit purpose. (Ty)
- Tourist Visa (Single entry visa, 60 days staying)
- Social-Cultural Visa (Single entry visa, 60 days staying however this visa is extendable maximum 3 times for 30 days each)
- Business Visa (Single entry visa, 60 days staying and extendable up to 6 months)
- Multiple Visit Visa (Multiple entry visa, up to 60 days staying per visit, valid for 1 year)
- Journalist Visa
- Research Visa